The Boys Season 4 Parents Guide

Season 4 of the subversive Amazon Prime series The Boys promises to continue pushing boundaries with its ultraviolent action and political satire. As a parent, you may be wondering if the upcoming season is appropriate for your kids. This comprehensive parents guide provides an in-depth look at what to expect in The Boys season 4 so you can make an informed decision before letting your children watch.

Overview of The Boys

The Boys is based on the comic book series of the same name and takes place in a universe where superpowered individuals known as "Supes" are managed by a powerful corporation called Vought International. The company markets the Supes as celebrity heroes but behind the scenes, many of them are arrogant, corrupt, and abuse their powers.

When a group of vigilantes who call themselves The Boys discover the truth about the Supes, they make it their mission to take down Vought and expose the superheroes for who they really are. The Boys use blackmail, extortion, and violence to fight back against the superpowered elite.

Main Characters

  • Billy Butcher - Leader of The Boys who is ruthless in his mission against Supes after a personal tragedy involving Homelander.
  • Homelander - Leader of superhero group The Seven who is secretly a mentally unstable killer.
  • Starlight - A new member of The Seven who teams up with The Boys to take down Vought. She is conflicted between staying loyal or fighting back.

Parents Guide For The Boys Season 4

As you consider whether The Boys is suitable viewing material for your family, here are some important elements in season 4 for parents to be aware of:


  • Graphic and brutal violence including gory injuries and death
  • Significant blood, gore, and dismemberment
  • Main characters frequently engage in intense physical altercations and fight scenes


  • Pervasive profanity and vulgar insults throughout every episode
  • Multiple uses of "f*ck" along with other obscene words in nearly every line of dialogue


  • Partial and full-frontal male and female nudity
  • Sexual situations including intimate scenes, sexual references, and fetishism


  • Alcohol and recreational drug use depicted
  • References and discussions of substance abuse

Mature Themes

  • Dark, cynical perspective on celebrity culture and the media
  • Political satire and social commentary on relevant issues
  • Moral ambiguity related to vigilantism and violence against powerful groups

Appropriate Age Recommendations

Given the graphically violent content, constant foul language, sexual situations, and mature themes, here are some age recommendations to consider:

  • TV-MA rating signifying content is for mature audiences only
  • Best suited for older teens and adults, not appropriate for children
  • 16+ at minimum based on level of intensity, but parental discretion advised

Alternative Options

If allowing your teens to watch, consider reviewing each episode first before permitting viewing. You may also want to watch together and discuss any sensitive topics that arise.

For younger kids, safer superhero alternatives without graphic content include Invincible, One Punch Man, or even comedy series like The Tick.

Age Recommendation
Under 14 Not recommended
14-16 Parental guidance and discretion advised
16+ Appropriate but level of maturity should be weighed
18+ Safest viewing age

What To Expect in The Boys Season 4

While little is confirmed about specific plot details, The Boys showrunner Eric Kripke told The Wrap that season 4 will continue to push boundaries even further:

“I can’t imagine Season 4 progresses without some political scandal, chaos, death, and intensity.”

Additional things parents can likely expect more of in season 4 based on past seasons include:

  • Increased levels of shocking violence and gore
  • More intense action and fighting sequences
  • Continued foul language and graphic sexual situations
  • Further exploration of complex mature themes
  • Ongoing irreverent humor and satire mocking politics, celebrities, and other authorities


The Boys is a sharply written superhero satire tailor-made for mature audiences who appreciate provocative fare. It continues raising the bar each season with boundary-pushing content not intended for younger viewers.

Use this parents guide to gauge if the level of graphic violence, pervasive language, sexual content, and cynical themes make it suitable for your family. Understanding exactly what to expect in advance allows deciding if watching season 4 is appropriate based on the maturity and sensibilities of your children.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Boys Season 4

Here are answers to some common questions about what parents and concerned viewers can expect when the fourth season of The Boys premieres:

1. When will Season 4 be released?

The Boys showrunner Eric Kripke announced that season 4 will likely be released around Summer 2023. No official premiere date has been set yet.

2. Will Homelander have a bigger role?

Yes, actor Antony Starr who plays unhinged Supe Homelander confirmed to Variety that his character will take more central stage in driving the season 4 plot forward in an even more megalomaniacal direction.

3. Will Season 4 be even more graphic?

Almost certainly yes. Showrunner Eric Kripke told The Wrap that season 4 will "push the envelope even further", so expect the violence, sex, language, etc to get intensified.

4. Are any new Supes joining The Seven?

It is likely. Casting calls have revealed Vought may add Supernatural, a character from the original comics, along with other new superpowered characters to The Seven roster.

5. Will Stormfront return?

While it's unconfirmed, Aya Cash's character Stormfront had her limbs burned off but did not die in season 3, leaving the door open for her possible return with cybernetic enhancements.

The Boys Season 4: Final Thoughts for Parents

The Boys is one of the most jaw-droppingly audacious series on television, gleefully inflaming outrage while wearing its blood-soaked cynicism as a badge of honor. Understanding the level of mature content in the upcoming fourth season allows parents to make fully informed viewing decisions for their families.

While decidedly not for kids, The Boys remains a brilliantly scathing indictment of celebrity culture and the corrosive nature of absolute power. Its commentary on politics, media manipulation, and fanaticism may resonate strongly during current times. Just be sure to use discretion regarding who in your family should watch!

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