The Holdovers Parents Guide

The Holdovers is a 2023 coming-of-age comedy drama film directed by Alexander Payne. Set in 1970, it follows a curmudgeonly history teacher at a New England boarding school who is forced to chaperone a handful of students who have nowhere to go over the holidays (Wikipedia).

The Holdovers Parents Guide

Paul Haggis stars as Professor Cheeseman, who reluctantly remains on campus with three students: an orphaned teenager, a wealthy boy, and a Vietnamese refugee. Over the break, the professor mentors the students and bonds with them through shared experiences of love, loss and growing up (IMDb).

Major themes explored in the film include mentorship, personal growth, overcoming adversity, and finding family. Reviewers have praised the performances and witty dialogue that balances comedy and drama (


The Holdovers is rated R by the MPAA for language, some drug use, and brief sexual material. The R rating signifies that the movie contains adult content and is intended for a mature audience.

The film reportedly has frequent use of strong profanity, including frequent f-bombs, as well as some sexual references and innuendo. There are a couple of scenes depicting recreational teenage marijuana use, as well as an implied reference to cocaine use.

While not extremely graphic, the mature content in The Holdovers contributed to its R rating. Parents should be aware before allowing their teens to view the film.


The Holdovers contains a moderate amount of swearing and profanity throughout the film. According to IMDb's Parents Guide, there are 35 uses of the f-word. There is a "fairly constant stream of f-words and countless other swear words" in many scenes.

In addition to the f-bombs, other profanity includes sh*t, b*tch, d*mn, h*ll, a**hole, and g*dd*mn. The mature language is used casually in conversations between the teenagers and adults in the film.

Reviews indicate parents should be aware there is a significant amount of strong profanity persistent throughout the movie. While not extreme, the swearing should be considered in determining appropriate ages. Overall, mature middle schoolers and above should be able to handle the language content with guidance from parents on managing exposure.

Drug Use

The Holdovers depicts some teenage recreational drug use, mainly focused on marijuana. There are a couple scenes showing students smoking joints at parties and in their bedrooms. The drug use is portrayed as normal teenage experimentation. Teachers in the movie also drink alcohol regularly. There is also one scene where cocaine is subtly implied, when a teacher meets a woman at a bar who appears to be a prostitute or drug dealer.

According to Common Sense Media, "adult characters drink liquor, smoke cigarettes, and use cocaine pretty regularly throughout the movie." And Geeks Under Grace says the movie contains "Regular heavy smoking and alcohol consumption."

So in summary, parents should be aware there are multiple scenes showing teenage marijuana use, some alcohol use by adults, and an implied cocaine reference. The drug use is not pervasive throughout the movie, but parents should factor it into their judgement on whether The Holdovers is appropriate for their teen.

Sexual Content

The Holdovers contains some light sexual innuendo and one scene that implies prostitution but does not show any graphic sexual content. There are a few verbal remarks with sexual overtones made by teen boys, including one instance of a slang term for oral sex used jokingly. 

In another scene, a female teacher hints that she engaged in an act of prostitution in order to earn some extra money. While it is not shown, there is a clear implication that she performed a sexual act for a client. No nudity or overtly graphic scenes are present in the film.

Overall, the sexual content is relatively mild given the R rating. There are no depictions of intercourse, nudity, or explicit sexual situations. However, the prostitution reference may be disturbing for some parents. It's recommended that parents have an open and honest discussion with their teen beforehand about the sexual themes present in the film.


There are a couple of scenes in The Holdovers that depict violence between teenagers. According to Common Sense Media, there are two brief fights between students, where no major injuries occur. The fights seem to be used to portray the bullying and racism occurring at the school.

Additionally, Kids in Mind notes that there is a reference to a death in war, when one character mentions his father dying on the battlefield. However, this death is not shown on screen.

Overall, the violence depicted is relatively mild compared to many PG-13 films. The fights between students are brief and do not result in bloody injuries. 

Parents should be aware that there are a couple of scenes showing teenage boys fighting and punching each other. But the violence is not pervasive or overly graphic throughout the film.

Positive Messages

The Holdovers contains some positive messages related to mentorship and overcoming adversity that parents may appreciate. The central relationship in the film is between Mary, a teacher grieving the loss of her son, and Walter, a troubled student. 

Their mentor-mentee dynamic highlights how we can lift each other up even in difficult times. Mary imparts wisdom to Walter, encouraging him to work hard and make smart choices despite his struggles. She serves as a positive role model by showing empathy, kindness, and perseverance. Walter, in turn, gains confidence under her guidance. 

The film shows how he learns to take responsibility for his actions rather than blame others. Together, they demonstrate that with determination, even significant adversity like grief can be overcome. Other positive themes involve remaining hopeful when facing uncertainty and finding meaning in serving others. 

While certainly not devoid of mature content, the central story sends a meaningful message about human connection and resilience.

Parental Judgement

Although The Holdovers contains mature content including language, drug use and sexual references, some parents may find the film suitable for mature middle schoolers (around ages 13+) under the right circumstances.

The positive messages in the film around mentorship, overcoming adversity and personal growth could provide an opportunity for meaningful discussion with teens. The brief scenes involving marijuana, cocaine and innuendo are not pervasive throughout the film. There is no nudity or overt sexuality depicted.

Parents should use discretion when deciding if their middle schooler is mature enough to handle this more adult material. An open conversation about your concerns and setting clear expectations for your teen beforehand is advised. You may want to pre-screen the film yourself before giving them permission.

Overall, with guidance The Holdovers could make for an impactful watch for older tweens and young teens. But those who tend to be impressionable or have issues with drugs/alcohol in real life are probably best waiting until high school or later.


Overall, The Holdovers is an engaging drama with some strong positive messages that make it worthwhile for mature middle schoolers and up. While the R-rating gives pause, parents should take the time to watch the movie with their teens or at a minimum have an open discussion beforehand about the content and messages.

The Holdovers features talented performances from Paul Giamatti, Molly Brown, and newcomer Jaeden Bettencourt. Their mentor-student dynamic forms the emotional core of the film. Together, they must face adversity and grow after traumatic events disrupt their prep school world.

Through their journeys, The Holdovers explores themes of connection, understanding yourself, and overcoming grief with nuance. There are certainly scenes that earned its R-rating that parents must consider. But the film's ultimate messages about empathy and human bonds make it an engaging drama worth experiencing.

Overall Verdict: Watchable for Mature Teens with Guidance

The Holdovers will likely appeal to older tweens and teens for its dramatic coming-of-age storyline. However, parents should be aware that the R-rating is merited due to some mature content like drug use, profanity, and sexual references.

With guidance and discussions to provide context, the positive messages around mentorship and perseverance make The Holdovers worthwhile viewing for mature middle schoolers and up. Parents should consider their own teen's maturity and sensitivity to content when deciding if The Holdovers is appropriate.

While not excessively vulgar, the film's mature themes mean The Holdovers requires conversation and oversight if allowing teenagers to view it. Approached thoughtfully, it can provide an engaging dramedy that resonates with older tweens and teens.

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