Eileen Parents Guide

The new thriller Eileen has been the subject of much controversy and debate due to its graphic mature content. Despite critical acclaim, the film received an R rating from the MPAA for "disturbing violent content, grisly images, pervasive language, and some sexuality/nudity."

Eileen Parents Guide

With such an explicit rating, many parents have concerns about allowing their teenagers to view the film.

Eileen tackles themes of sexual repression, loneliness, obsession, and violence through the story of the disturbed title character. It features provocative scenes of nudity along with bloody violence. The content is meant to disturb audiences and push boundaries.

This guide will provide an in-depth look at Eileen's controversial subject matter. It will summarize the plot, analyze the artistic intent behind the provocative content, discuss appropriateness for teenagers, and offer guidance for parents debating if their children should view the film.

Plot Summary and Analysis

Eileen takes place in a small Massachusetts town in the 1960s. The story focuses on Eileen Dunlop, a troubled young woman unhappily living with her alcoholic ex-cop father. Eileen works a mundane office job at a prison for boys while nursing her own inner demons. As described in one review, "Eileen is a blank, damaged person desperate to start over".

Eileen becomes dangerously obsessed with the prison's psychologist, a stylish woman named Rebecca Saint John. Eileen spies on Rebecca and begins mimicking her style and mannerisms, dreaming of leaving town and starting a new life. 

Their relationship intensifies when Rebecca asks for Eileen's help plotting an escape for a handsome young inmate named Jimmy. This sets off a climactic and violent chain of events as Eileen's obsession reaches its breaking point.

At its core, Eileen examines themes of repressed sexuality, loneliness and the inner turmoil of its damaged protagonist. Eileen’s obsession with Rebecca “reflects her desperate desire for connection and acceptance”.

Sex and Nudity

Eileen contains numerous graphic and prolonged scenes of nudity and sexuality. There are multiple sequences showing full frontal female nudity as Eileen disrobes in front of her co-workers and fantasizes about seducing them. 

These dream sequences are highly explicit, with close-up shots of breasts and genitals as well as simulated oral sex and masturbation. According to reviews, "the nudity is constant and intense."

The filmmakers argue that the extensive nudity is necessary to portray Eileen's warped sexuality and repressed desires. However, many reviewers have criticized the nudity as being gratuitous, saying "it goes far beyond what the story required."

 Given the sheer amount of graphic nudity and the fetishistic way it is portrayed, most parents would likely find it excessive.


Eileen contains several disturbing scenes of violence, which contribute to its R rating. Eileen harbors violent fantasies and suicidal thoughts due to her troubled psychological state and traumatic childhood. This manifests in chilling dream sequences where she graphically murders people who have abused her.

The climactic scenes escalate into bloody violence as Eileen finally acts on her urges. She brutally kills a man who attempts to assault her friend Rebecca using a broken vodka bottle. The camera does not shy away from showing the gruesome aftermath. 

Later, Eileen has a confrontation with a childhood abuser that turns fatal. These sequences involve prolonged scenes of bloody violence, including stabbings, that some viewers may find intensely disturbing.

According to Parent Previews, "There is a very bloody shooting. A man is stabbed in the neck with a broken bottle, and the murder is shown in vivid detail." So the violence in Eileen is not just suggested but explicitly depicted. Parents may want to consider whether their teen is mature enough to handle these graphic and unsettling violent scenes.

Language and Drug Use

Eileen contains frequent strong language and some drug content, though overall not gratuitous in the context of the story. There are over 50 F-words throughout as well as other profanity like "shit", "bitch", and more. Eileen's inner rage leads to expletive-laced rants at times. Substance use includes smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol in multiple scenes. 

Eileen is shown taking prescription pills and appears intoxicated at times, struggling with substance abuse issues. According to Common Sense Media, it does not glorify this but shows "alcohol and pills as destructive crutches. While the language and drug use earns its R rating, it serves the themes and Eileen's character arc.

Artistic Merits and Meaning

Despite its controversial content, Eileen has received praise for its artistic merits and deeper meaning beyond just provoking a reaction. It is based on a highly acclaimed novel of the same name by Ottessa Moshfegh, which won the PEN/Hemingway Award for debut fiction in 2016.

Many critics have focused on the novel and film's complex female protagonist and how she represents female rage, inner turmoil, and empowerment.

According to The New York Times review, "Eileen is fundamentally a tale of liberation" as the main character breaks free from her stifling life and suppressed emotions. Roger Ebert calls it "a feminist psychological thriller" that provides an unflinching character study of a damaged woman. 

While some scenes certainly push the boundaries of comfort, they serve a narrative and thematic purpose in Eileen's journey. There is meaning beyond provocation, which elevates Eileen as a thought-provoking, if disturbing, character study.

Appropriateness for Teens

When considering the appropriateness of Eileen for teenage audiences, experts and reviewers provide some guidance on minimum recommended ages. According to Common Sense Media, the mature content in Eileen makes it appropriate for ages 17 and up, noting that the sexual material and disturbing violent content require a high level of maturity to process.

The MPAA gave Eileen an R rating for "violent content, sexual content and language." The official MPAA rating states that those under age 17 should only view the film with a parent or guardian. The British Board of Film Classification rated the film suitable for ages 15 and up. In Germany, the film received a rating restricting it to ages 16 and up.

Overall, the consensus seems to be that Eileen requires a mature 16 or 17 year old to appropriately handle its challenging themes and graphic content. Younger teenagers would likely struggle with the sexual aspects and dark tone of the film. Parents are advised to adhere to the R rating and thoroughly research the movie before deciding if their teen can see it.

Parental Guidance

As a parent, deciding whether to allow your teenager to see a mature R-rated film like Eileen can be a difficult decision. Here are some tips for making an informed choice:

Watch the film yourself first, or at least research detailed reviews from trusted sources. Understanding the full context of objectionable content is important. 

Some argue teens shouldn't see R-rated films at all, but ratings should be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Consider your child's maturity level and ability to process challenging content. While there's no magic age, most experts say 15-16 is appropriate for more mature R-rated films, with parental guidance. Under 14 is generally not recommended.

Discuss the disturbing themes and images in advance so your teen is prepared. Eileen deals with complex issues like sexual repression and suicide which call for thoughtful discussions. Let your child know they can talk to you if they find certain scenes upsetting.

Watch together and pause if needed to discuss and process difficult moments. Being present allows you to provide guidance and support.

Follow up afterwards about your teen's reactions and interpretations. That shows you care about their emotions and values ongoing dialogue.

Consider alternatives like reading literary analysis to appreciate Eileen's artistic merit, without exposure to the most graphic content. The story may also appear as a stage play in the future.

Ultimately each parent must weigh the maturity of their child and potential benefits/harms. While challenging, R-rated films prompt important conversations and critical thinking when handled thoughtfully.

Overall Recommendation

Based on the mature content, Eileen would likely be too disturbing for most teenagers under 16. The pervasive sexual themes, nudity, violence, and dark subject matter make it better suited for mature audiences.

That said, the film has received critical acclaim for its artistic merits and powerful themes. For older teenagers around 16 or 17 who can handle provocative R-rated films, Eileen could be impactful and thought-provoking. The story provides a rare look at marginalized female sexuality in the 1960s.

Parents should watch the film themselves first before deciding if their teen can see it. Have an open discussion about the adult themes and be available for conversations afterwards. Set appropriate expectations going in. While unsettling at times, Eileen has value if viewed with the proper guidance and context.

Conclusion - Appropriateness for Teenagers

In conclusion, Eileen is a thought-provoking but very mature film. The disturbing violent fantasies, bloody murder scenes, and strong sexual content push the boundaries of an R rating. Most parents would likely find the film inappropriate for viewers under 16 or 17. 

While mature high schoolers may be able to handle the themes and content with proper guidance, Eileen requires an advanced level of emotional intelligence and media literacy. The artistic merits provide value for adult viewers, but parents are encouraged to fully research the subject matter before deciding if this is suitable for their teenagers. 

At minimum, an open discussion about the film's more graphic scenes and troubling behavior should precede any teen viewing. Ultimately, Eileen is a challenging watch that likely signals adulthood for any adolescent mature enough to see it.

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